Youth Resources
Explore toolkits, written guides, and webinar recordings for mentees, peer mentors, and youth.

Program Resources
Here, you'll find a collection of resources on best practices for youth mentoring programs including MENTOR’s Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring™, and six supplements on various speciality models and populations.

Mentor Resources
Youth Mentoring Collaborative is proud to share vetted resources for individuals looking to improve their mentoring skills. You can explore this library for a wide range of resources including training modules, guides, and toolkits.

Caregivers Resources
When parents, guardians, and other caregivers work in harmony with mentors and program staff, it’s more likely that mentored youth will experience positive outcomes from the mentoring relationship.
So, Why Mentoring?
"In quality mentoring, the relationship results in the positive development of the youth toward a healthy and productive future in which the young person can achieve his or her fullest potential." - a Report for MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership
Ultimately, mentoring connects a young person to personal growth and development, and social and economic opportunity. Yet one in three young people will grow up without this critical asset.
More on Mentoring
Young people who had mentors report:
- Setting higher educational goals and are more likely to attend college than those without mentors.
- Engaging in more productive and beneficial behavior in and outside of a school setting.
- They enjoy their mentors - mentors help mentees stay on track in school, make good choices, and provide consistent support
Critical Perspectives on Mentoring
While it is critically important to ensure that youth have access to resources and opportunities that support their growth and development, one must also consider the societal context in which young people, in particular youth of color, are forced to deal with complex life challenges that systematically strips them of power and agency on a daily basis.
"A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself." -Oprah Winfrey
It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.
Frederick Douglass

Stay up-to-date with the Youth Mentoring Collaborative's current events, opinions, and staff information on the blog.

Get On The Map
YMC's Mentoring Map connects youth and families with mentoring programs and increases the public's general knowledge of mentoring opportunities. Click the link below to learn more and get connected.

One of the best ways to take action is to donate. Learn how you can support Youth Mentoring Collaborative and youth of the Carolinas through a financial contribution.