Become a Mentor

Why Become a Mentor

Show the power of mentoring to build bridges, break down “otherness” and create lasting, meaningful relationships. Yet one in three young people grow up without a mentor outside their family to help them develop, access opportunities, and thrive.

Relationships matter. Making a connection with a young person in your community will change not only their life, but yours as well.

Qualities of a Mentor

  1. Cultural competence and humility
  2. A sincere desire to be involved with a young person
  3. Respect for young people
  4. Non-judgement and empathetic
  5. Active listening skills
  6. Ability to see solutions and opportunities
  7. Flexible

“The consistent, enduring presence of a caring adult in a young person’s life can be the difference between staying in school or dropping out, making healthy decisions or engaging in risky behaviors, and realizing one’s potential or failing to achieve one’s dreams. Mentors can make a profound difference in the lives of their mentees—and in turn, strengthen our communities, economy, and country.”


What Mentors Do

  1. Support a young person through an ongoing relationship
  2. Help set academic and personal goals and work toward accomplishing them
  3. Serve as consistent, positive role model and friend
  4. Build the mentoring relationship by planning and participating in activities together
  5. Strive for mutual respect
  6. Have fun
  7. Address community issues in partnership with mentees

Beyond the personal fulfillment of contributing to the community and an individual, mentors will develop new skills and insights to navigate complex social challenges.

Before you begin exploring the programs that are available, consider your own interests and needs. Finding a mentoring program that ignites your passions can require considerable time and reflection - the good news is that there are options for everyone. Remember to be open and flexible to all the different mentoring programs and focus areas that exist.