On Our Rebrand

Learn about the “why” of our rebrand.

Our Truth About Relationships, Collaboration, and the Work We Do

First and foremost, I want to express my deep gratitude for your partnership in our shared mission of serving youth. Put quite simply: The work you do is the reason we exist. As an intermediary organization that does not directly serve youth, we recognize that it is only through our relationships with you - and true collaboration - that we will be able to advance the mentoring movement.

To that end, we want to inform you that MENTOR North Carolina is officially transitioning its relationship with MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership. Beginning May 31, we will no longer be affiliated with or use the MENTOR North Carolina name.

We are happy to announce that our new name will be the Youth Mentoring Collaborative. We believe this name better articulates our mission to be true partners in this work with you and better aligns with our values.

What This Transition Means for You

The work we do will remain the same. Your organization can still count on us to provide high-quality consulting (formerly called technical assistance), training opportunities, program resources, local advocacy, and thought leadership. You can still rely on us to show up in the ways that you need to feel supported.

So, Why the Change?

  1. Our values are no longer aligned with MENTOR National. We are a team that centers on collaboration, relationships, growth, courage, and joy. We want that to be evident in everything we do, including how we show up for you as a partner.
  2. We heard your feedback. We will be able to streamline and improve processes in order to better serve you. There won't be a cumbersome application or service-delivery process, and you can expect consistent communication from us about your project

What you can expect over the coming months

  1. We will be shutting down our current website and launching a countdown to the rollout of our rebrand. You will receive communication from us soon to outline that timeline.
  2. We will also focus our primary communication with you via email. Our social media presence will be limited until June 30, 2022.

What you need to do

  1. Reach out if you have any questions or concerns! We want to prioritize our partners' needs through this transition, and welcome feedback as we begin to chart our new path together.
  2. Stay on the lookout for follow-up communication about how to refer to us moving forward. We appreciate your patience through this transition.

We believe that through positive youth-adult relationships, mentoring has the power to disrupt the status quo and build a safer, smarter, and more socially conscious world. We look forward to pursuing this vision with more vigor and passion, in collaboration with you, communities across the Carolinas, and beyond as this new chapter unfolds in the organization's life.


                                                     Atrayus O. Goode, President & CEO           Barbara Jessie-Black, Board Chair